The Salesperson Paradox: A Strikingly Simple Way to Provide Solutions Your Customers Can't Say No To 

Kindle Edition

The Salesperson Paradox: A Strikingly Simple Way to Provide Solutions Your Customers Can't Say No To by [Vigliotti, Douglas]

Are you a salesperson or entrepreneur? Would you like to provide solutions your customers can’t resist?
Douglas Vigliotti uses a unique but simple sales philosophy backed by twelve years of selling experience, and easy-to-understand examples to show you how to provide solutions your customers actually want. Yes, solutions your customers want to buy from you. He begs you to answer the pivotal question...
Am I providing CRINGE solutions? Solutions customers will either buy, or “cringe” to say no to.
Solutions that imprint you in the customers mind even in the absence of an initial sale. CRINGE solutions are not just products or services…
  • They solve real problems.
  • They provide loads of tangible and intangible value.
  • They reduce social, emotional, and financial risk for the customer.
  • They’re overwhelming easy to understand, use, and implement.
  • They acquire more customers, retain more customers, and tell better stories.
The Salesperson Paradox will show you exactly how to create, position, and provide these solutions. It's a solution selling playbook packed with instantly implementable sales tools, guides, and frameworks. It’s sales coaching aided by sales training. It’s sales strategy backed by sales tactics. It’s a lesson in sales psychology, ethical influence, and ultimately it will challenge you to ask yourself:
Am I selling? Or, am I helping?
3 BIG Reasons The Salesperson Paradox is Different
It leverages, embraces, and showcases the power of simplicity
  • It's easy to reproduce in your life and business. It's sticky.
  • It keeps you engaged and interested. It's fun.
  • It’s fast paced and easily consumable. It’s quick.
It teaches you how to create solutions NOT sell products and services…
  • It’s essential - This is how customers (just like you and I) buy today.
  • It’s transferable – Doesn’t matter what industry you’re in – finance, healthcare, entrepreneurship, insurance, real estate, direct selling, business-to-business, or retail.
  • It’s actionable – Includes a FREE workbook with all frameworks, tools, and guides from the book.
It’s battle-tested, verified, and proven to work…
  • Douglas has personally utilized every strategy, tactic, and tip in this book.
  • Douglas has researched and studied the best in the world to certify every strategy, tactic, and tip in this book.
  • Douglas has had a successful selling career spanning over twelve years, three industries, and two fortune 500 companies.
Douglas had this to say about the book:
“I wrote the book with one thing in mind - simplicity. I firmly believe simplicity is what resonates and aids reproducibility. And, I know salespeople and entrepreneurs are on the move. They’re in a hurry. I tried to write a book that could be consumed on a cross-country plane flight, but had the power to stick for a lifetime. That’s the book I would want to read.”


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